The Bye-Laws of the Freemasons’ Library, Nassau, NP 1843

(A booklet published under the Auspices of the Royal Victoria and Union Lodges 1843)

Rules as amended at a meeting of the Subscribers, 23rd August 1843

  1. That the Freemasons’ Library shall be under the management of the two Masters for the time being, and such other person or persons (being contributing members of either Lodge) as they may think proper to nominate to act with them.
  2. That each Lodge forthwith appropriate the sum of five pounds, to be placed at the disposal of the two Masters, as aforesaid, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of such books as may be deemed requisite from time to time for the said Library.
  3. That an annual grant from each Lodge, not exceeding TWO POUNDS, to be appropriated in like manner, for the increase of the said Library.
  4. That the books, periodicals and other papers to be purchased for, or otherwise received in the Library, shall be exclusively those devoted to Masonic subjects, and that all books, &c., belonging to the said Library, shall be marked or labelled thus: “Freemasons’ Library, Nassau N.P.”
  5. That contributing members of both Lodges, shall, upon paying the sum of four shillings and two pence per annum in advance, be deemed to all intents and purposes subscribers to the said Library, and they only, shall have any voice in the choice of books or in any business that may be brought under the notice of the subscribers by the managers.
  6. That the right of property to the said Library shall forever by vested in the two Lodges, or the Surviving Lodge.
  7. That no book or other papers be detained from the Library beyond seven days, under a penalty of six pence per diem, and at the expiration of every thirty days to be computed from the seventh day, treble the amount of the cost thereof shall be chargeable to the party, in addition to his other liabilities as aforesaid, – nor shall he be permitted to enjoy any of the privileges of a subscriber until such book or other paper shall have been returned and the forfeitures incurred duly paid. Provided – that twenty-four hours notice previous to the expiration of the thirty days shall have been given to said party.
  8. That any person taking out any Volume or other paper as aforesaid, who shall lose, destroy, or injure the same, shall pay treble the cost thereof.
  9. That any person refusing or neglecting to pay the forfeiture last above said, within thirty days after his liability, – shall forfeit his right as a subscriber until the amount shall have been duly paid.
  10. That all forfeitures hereby imposed shall be appropriated to the purchase of books &c., for the increase of the said Library.
  11. That the date of the subscriptions to the Library shall be computed from the 1st January in every year.